Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'm an african american women cocoa complected and i'm thinking of coloring my hair i'

I was thinking of a deep brown with honey streaks

I'm an african american women cocoa complected and i'm thinking of coloring my hair i'm sick of!!!

Hey...Beyonce went blonde and it looked good. Im sure yours would as well.

I'm an african american women cocoa complected and i'm thinking of coloring my hair i'm sick of!!!

There are black, brown, and bronze colored individuals who do have naturally blonde, red, or light colored hair. Somewhere in their genes, an ancestor had it, therefore they do, too. There is NOTHING wrong with it. BESIDES, IT'S THE MILLENIUM, AND MILLIONS OF BEAUTIFUL AND HANDSOME BLACK PEOPLE HAVE DONE IT, SO WHY CAN'T YOU? Good luck!!

I'm an african american women cocoa complected and i'm thinking of coloring my hair i'm sick of!!!

I'm going to agree with your choice of deep brown with honey streaks. If not honey streaks, I would say auburn streaks. If you have a cocoa complexion, I don't think that blonde would be a good idea. I too am African American and I have a medium brown complexion and I currently have a dark brown with light brown streaks. I am constantly getting compliments that it fits my complexion.

Hope this information helps.

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