Friday, November 13, 2009

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

What I mean are schools that promote that all their students be African American.

My opinion is that it's "wrong" simply because it further segreagates American society and doesn't allow the students to mix in with other kids.

Note: I'm a 15 year old African-American myself (with curly hair). I also don't fit in with mainstream rock or rap culture.

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

Not unacceptable! I mean it depends on the area and the way the African American are being treated. If they find that they are being "discriminated" against because of their colour or origin, then perhaps they have no other alternative for their children, at least temporarily, until a firm actions are taken to rectify the situation on the ground. Hence, I can reluctantly accept their action.

If, on the other hand they are not being discriminated against and do not have any real reason to segregate themselves, then it is utterly deplorable. It does not help them nor their children. In fact they are sawing the seeds of hatred in the hearts of their children. Too bad!

But we must, also, accept that the only person who knows where the shoe really hurts is the one who wears it! Hence, only African-Americans, or those in similar situations in the USA, would know the real truth on the ground.

I am not an American nor do I know of any obvious discrimination against the blacks in USA. Thats said, it does not mean that in the real world, the practical world, discrimination does not exist!

All the best!/

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

That sounds like something you'd hear about in the...50's, is it?

That doesn't sound right. It's promoting segregation, like you said.

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

I agree. Segregation is segregation

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

I think that the intention of these schools are to raise the self esteem of black children, because children with good self worth tend to perform better.

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

It does just cause rifts between races. It teaches African American's to make friends with other African Americans and nobody else. If any other race, especially whites, had an All White school, it would be considered highly racist. There's plenty of "******s" out there of every color. It's wrong to think otherwise.

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

I agree with you that these schools promote segregation but that's fine with me. I like that idea. However, in order to get sufficient numbers of blacks to attend, the standards have to be lowered. A diploma or degree from those dumbed down schools should be of less value than that from other schools.

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

Well i'm white and my school is almost all blacks(i've given up on political correctness) and I understand why people would want to promote all black schools , and i think it's fine as long as they don't teach racism(i.e we don't want whites here) ; )

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

Allowing African-Americans to have schools that exclude whites is just as bad as the reverse. Unfortunately, the U.S. allows such "reverse discrimination" and sees nothing wrong with it.

All that aside, the only way African-Americans can gain equality is to quit separating themselves from the rest of society. Every time black people accept help based only on the color of their skin, they are "admitting" they are inferior and need such help.

And don't bash me. Several notable black spokesmen have stated the same thing in much more authoritative ways. Bill Cosby is one of the most recent.

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

I think they are trying to have one in Toronto, Canada.

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

There's nothing wrong with any group wanting a school that specializes in the needs of that group. Such a school might be beneficial in teaching the heritage and traditions. Can it have negative influences? Sure, because it might make it more difficult for some students to be exposed to other traditions and cultures.

I find an African American school sits fine with me. All groups and ethnicities and races and cultures have the right to create environments where they can be together and comfortable and teach and learn things that might not be applicable to the rest of the world in general.

I am turned off, however, by such things as a "Miss Black America" pageant or "BET - Black Entertainment Television". I think those types of projects undermine progress in bringing cultures together. After all, how upset would people be if there was suddenly a "Miss White America" pageant.... or "WET - White Entertainment Television." ?

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

I think you boy, are a wise one. I agree with your thoughts and you get a star.

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

the funny thing about blacks is that they justify their "we black" outlets because they claim that we are controlling every venue. they claim that this control prevents them from entering our "white devil" mainstream. so what do they do? create their own "we black" outlets that furthe promotes, like you said, segregation and not equality. if they were smart enough they would have created outlets/venues that didn't pander to blacks by not naming them "we black... whatever."

don't forget all the while they are forcing their way into our "white devil" mainstream by using their skin color. so basically what you have now is a mixed mainstream while in addition to that there are outlets for "we blacks" people.

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

Segregation sucks. We're all human. Division is the opposite of multiplying.

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

these schools are supposed to be designed to teach you the facts of your heritage that other schools leave out.the decisions made about what you are taught in school are based on you learning your place as a second class citizen.As far as rock and rap,it's all the same music,and your people invented both.know yourself,know your history.

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

Is there any school that actually "promotes that all their students be African American?" I don't believe it's legal to have any such school.

There are number of schools that are historically black because they were established during segregation and they have continued to educate students, but they are open to all and at many, a majority of faculty and increasing numbers of students are white. Some have even becime majority white.

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

A school that demands that all students be African-American is wrong. However, I must state that schools like Spelman and Howard are NOT like that. They do accept people of other races just as much as they accept African-Americans. The problem is very few people of other races APPLY for those schools. So if you are refering to HBCUs, you have your facts messed up.

If a school demands that their students be African-American and teaches racial predjudice, that's a problem and does segregate society. I left a school like that. For some families, they allow hate to breed like that. I don't.

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

I agree, it's wrong. It promotes racism. Good luck. 2D

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

Well, if Black people don't think its right that white people have 'whites only ' schools, why would 'blacks only' schools be any different? On another note, why is your avatar of an Asian and not a Black with curly hair, you hiding?

Do you find African-American Schools acceptable?

are u sure that the school(s) u are talking about promoting segregation...b/c thats against our consitution I don't think its acceptable to promote that.

hbcu accept students of different races so I think u got your info confused or something

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