Why did you state white people have BETTER hair...there is no such thing as better, worse or whatever type of hair.
Our dna makeup is different than yours. Same as saying we have rounder behinds, where white peoples behinds are flat as pancakes..Plus, you spelled caucasian
No need to change your hair, or for us to change ours. We have beautiful hair, just like you. Some choose to change their hair..and the chemicals and the billions of dollars made because no one wants to keep what they were born with shows it. Just like I will never understand the Electric Beaches, where folks sit up under there and turn anywhere from orange to a looking like a striped tiger.
Why do cocassion people have better,shiny hair than african americans? can there ever be a way we can change?
i think its becasue they have more natral moisture in their hair and the way i would say that we could change this is by drinking alot of water (8 glasses) using moisturizing shampoos and deep condintoners and deep conditners. i hair is very fagile, and very dry, and if ur hairs natual like mine very tangily lol! but i love it b/c thats what makes me different from the cacucassn based university that i go 2 now. but if we properly take care of or hair we would have shiny more healthier hair instead of putting that creamy crack in our heads (relaxers).
Why do cocassion people have better,shiny hair than african americans? can there ever be a way we can change?
Get a weave.
Why do cocassion people have better,shiny hair than african americans? can there ever be a way we can change?
i don't know if there hair is better than ours because I would rather our hair over theirs but middle-eastern people have very pretty hair.....I would consider trading them for a couple of weeks LOL.
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